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What are the benefits of adding fur to my pet's diet?


  • Acts as a natural dewormer. Helps clean out the digestive tract.
    When your pet's digestive track is clean, your pets will be better able to absorb nutrients. Reasearch shows that up to 80% of your dog's immune system lives in the gut. 


  • Helps bulk up stool. 
    If your pet has been having inconsistent or runny stools, adding a little fur to your pet's diet will over time help firm up the stool, providing more consistent solid stool.


  • Provides mental stimulation.
    Your pets will learn that fur-on chews are not just toys but are actually tasty treats. Chewing provides mental stimulation, increases endorphins, and helps reduce stress and anxiety.


  • Natural source of fiber and manganese. 
    Manganese is essential in keeping your pet's bone, cartilage, and ligaments healthy. Raw feeders looking for a natural source of manganese will turn to fur and feathers. You don't have to raw feed to add these all-natural treats & chews to your pet's diet.

    Limit chewing sessions to 10-15 minutes for large breeds and up to 5 minutes for small breeds. Too much fur and feathers at one time may cause impaction and or hairballs. 

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